Carving Selections

The technique of carving objects by hand from wood. It is a very old art form and it is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Exodus, Chapter 35. Different types of wood can be used with the most popular including boxwood, pine, pear, walnut, willow, oak, and ebony. A variety of tools also can be used such as gouges, chisels, wooden balls, and knives.

ballPlan your carving
ballLearn Proportions
ballUse a wood burning tool to add texture
ballHave a Dedicated Workspace
ballWear a glove or thumb guard
ballMake sure your tools are sharp and clean
ballDraw start and center lines
ballRemove sharp corners
ballBegin with a rough shape leaving details for last
ballKeep cutting small until you get the desired shape
ballMake sure the cuts are smooth
ballTry to carve with the grain
ballStore your tools safely and dry

Assorted Sites
• Schaaf Tools
• Happy DIY Home
• Hipshot
• Niagara woodchipper
• Caricature Carvers of America
• Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers
• Art Designs Studio
• Chipcarving
• Chris Pye Woodcarving

Patterns - (some free)
• Pinterest
• Woodcarving Illustrated
• Central Texas Woodcarvers
• Deep Woods Adventures
• Craftsmanspace
• Woodarchivist
• Scrollsawartist
• The Woodcarvers Cabin
• Woodcarvers Supply
• Fox Chapel Publishing

Workshops (some may not be free)
• Woodcarving Workshops
• American Woodcarving
• Woodcarver David Calvo
• Woodcarving School

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